Python Basics
- Python and It’s Module
- Python Basics
- Python Functions and Packages
- Working with Data Structures,
- Arrays, Vectors & Data Frames
- Jupyter Notebook – Installation & Function
- Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn
- Linear Regression
- Multiple Variable Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Naive Bayes Classifiers
- k-NN Classification
- Support Vector Machine
- Ensemble Techniques
- Decision Trees
- Random Forests
- Unsupervised learning
- K-means Clustering
- Hierarchical Clustering
- Dimension Reduction – PCA
- Featurization, Model Selection & Tuning
- Feature engineering
- Model selection and tuning
- Model performance measures
- Regularizing Linear models
- ML pipeline
- Bootstrap sampling
- Grid search CV
- Randomized search CV
- K fold cross-validation
- Customer churn out rate
- Financial habit analysis
- Breast cancer prediction
- Travel insurance prediction
- Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep
- Learning Introduction to Perceptron &
- Neural Networks
- Activation and Loss
- functions Gradient
- Descent
- Batch Normalization
- TensorFlow & Keras for Neural
- Networks Hyper Parameter Tuning
- Computer Vision
- Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks
- Introduction to Images
- Convolution, Pooling,
- Padding & its Mechanisms
- Forward Propagation & Backpropagation for CNNs
- CNN architectures like AlexNet, VGGNet, InceptionNet & ResNet
- Transfer Learning
- Object Detection
- Semantic Segmentation
- U-Net
- Face Recognition using Siamese Networks
- Instance Segmentation
- NLP (Natural Language Processing)
- Introduction to NLP
- Stop Words
- Tokenization
- Stemming and Lemmatization
- Bag of Words Model
- Word Vectorizer
- POS Tagging
- Named Entity Recognition
- Introduction to Sequential data
- RNNs and its Mechanisms
- Vanishing & Exploding gradients in RNNs
- LSTMs - Long short-term memory
- GRUs - Gated Recurrent Unit
- LSTMs Applications
- Time Series Analysis
- LSTMs with Attention Mechanism
- Neural Machine Translation
- Advanced Language Models:
- Transformers, BERT, XLNet
- Introduction to
- Reinforcement Learning (RL)
- RL Framework
- Component of RL Framework
- Examples of RL Systems
- Types of RL Systems
- Q-learning
- Dynamic SQL
- Introduction to Cursors
- Types of Cursors
- Advantages of cursors
- Projects based on the previous modules so as to have a better understanding of the concepts
- To create an automation using computer vision to impute dynamic bounding boxes to locate cars or vehicles on the road.
- To build a NLP classifier which can use input text parameters to determine the label/s of the blog.
- To build a semi-rule-based text chat bot which can give static responses to the user depending on the inputs for industrial safety and incidents
- Duration 25 Hours
- Students 21
- Days 40 Days
- Resume Preparation Yes
- Interview Guidance Yes